Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thanks, Friends!

Last night we went to Levi and Julie's house to celebrate Levi's birthday. Turns out that when we got there, a group of close friends had gathered for a send-off celebration! How sweet.

Bittersweet, really. It was such a wonderful evening, with our good friends, camaraderie and delicious (really delicious -- you guys were clearly trying to prove that Berkeley is not the only "foodie" land!) food, but of course it was sad, too, to remember what we are leaving behind.

When I think of the positives of going to CA, it is very pleasing, but then I think of all we are leaving behind, and it is quite sad and difficult: family, friends, a school Aliyah has loved and is comfortable at, her friends, an area we know like the back of our hands and have really enjoyed (okay, except for the cold winters!), a wonderful house, a synagogue we have loved -- so much to leave behind.

We really hope that people will come visit us, and we will come back to visit, and with e-mail and especially IM (everybody, sign-up for AIM, and give us your "buddy name" - it's free and a great way to stay in touch!), we hope to stay connected, but we don't delude ourselves -- it will be different to not be here. And that is quite sad.

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