Here's one of the pictures with this year's rodeo theme.
Of more interest to us was this doll museum, with over 5000 dolls. Laura, of course, loves old dolls. But I was surprised a month or two ago, when we went to the Doll House Museum in Delaware, to find how much I liked seeing them too.
Here, Laura examines some of the collection. It was pretty impressive, really, and huge.
Our road trip here was interesting -- we drove through a considerable lightning storm, with magnificent, if scary, large bolts of lightning. And, believe it or not, "A" and I had our first meals ever at a Subway. Not bad.

Oh yeah, in case you ever wanted to know, the world's best coffeehouse is in Mitchell, South Dakota, as this picture clearly states.
Mind you, we never went there, but it's stated clearly on their sign.
It looks like you guys are having a blast on this trip. Stephanie and I are packing up our place here in Menlo Park right now. We are leaving on the 30th for LA. Sorry we will miss you, but we will come up for a visit this summer. Michael
Thanks, Michael. We'll miss you living there, but will look forward to seeing you!
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