Saturday, June 9, 2007

These Movers Might Be Just A Bit Too Diligent!

So, Anthony, the moving man, might be just a bit too gung-ho in his packing. He was only supposed to pack breakables, but he just packed up a bunch of stuff we were planning on taking in our car.

I found this out when he came in with our clipboard which holds our trip itinerary and confirmations, etc, as well as our travel guide book and asked "Were these supposed to get packed too?" At first I thought he was kidding, but there was no smile on his face. I told him no, we needed those things and he said, "well I hope you didn't need those other things that were near them". He has no idea which box they are in.

It really isn't a big deal -- they were mostly some little antique items we were going to have eBayed by a guy my Mom has used, so they really can come with us, but I guess we better watch them a bit more carefully or next thing we know, we may not be brushing our teeth for awhile!

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